Where we've been...
S.A.Hameed Architectural Model Making roots reach back to 1970
when My Father started a Architectural design/engineering
company to develop new and innovative architectural Products fora
residential and commercial applications.
I also assembled a well-equipped machine shop operated by
highly qualified machinists, Including high precision 3d printing
machine and other specialists to produce the unique models and prototypes.
Needed to manufacture these newly designed architectural products.
But each new product required high grounds of precision
and innovatively to validate the new design concepts. After approving
the final design detail through client, & when new project was ready
after validation it delivered to industry standards.
My business experience provided me with the needed confidence,
and successful product designs affirmed by creativity. With
employee support and clients' encouragement, S.A.Hameed
Architectural Model Making, made its entrée into the finest
architectural model making in business.
I concluded that an opportunity working with us is you can get
high caliber service not only when project is in process but after
delivery it's our job to make shore model is all in one piece.
With formal sales and marketing efforts, we have doubled our
architectural modeling Business every year. I value our talented
and committed Staff that provides the service which encourages
our customers to return and to share their satisfaction with others
in the industry.
Architectural models are used by architects for a range of purposes. Ad hoc models are sometimes made to study the interaction of volumes, or to get an idea of how they look from different angles and to explore ideas. They can be used to exhibit and sell a design to help visualise a design. A model may be useful in explaining a complicated or unusual design to the building team, or as a focus for discussion between the design teams such as architects, engineers and town planners. Models are also used as show pieces, for instance as a feature in the reception of a building, or as part of a museum exhibition such as scale replicas of historical buildings.
Virtual Modelling
Construction has been increasingly designed in computer-aided design (CAD) systems. Early virtual modelling involved the fixing of arbitrary lines and points in virtual space, mainly to produce technical drawings. Modern packages include advanced features such as databases of components, automated engineering calculations, visual fly-throughs, dynamic reflections, and accurate textures and colours
Architectural models are being constructed at much smaller scale than their 1:1 counterpart.
The scales and their architectural use is broadly as follows:
1:1 Full (or real) size for details
1:2 Details
1:5 Details
1:10 Interior spaces/furniture
1:20 Interior spaces/furniture
1:50 Interior spaces/detailed floor plans/different floor levels
1:100 Building plans/layouts
1:500 Building layouts/site plans
1:1000 Urban scale for site or location plans
1:1250 Site plans
1:2500 Site plans/city maps
Sometimes model railroad scales such as 1:160 and 1:87 are used due to ready availability of commercial figures, vehicles and trees in those scales, and models of large buildings are most often built in approximately that range of scales due to size considerations.
Rough study models can be made quickly using cardboard, wooden blocks, polystyrene, foam, foam boards and other materials. Such models are an efficient design tool for three-dimensional understanding of a structure, space or form, used by architects, interior designers and exhibit designers.
Common materials used for centuries in architectural model building were card stock, balsa wood, basswood and other woods. Modern professional architectural model builders are taking advantage of twenty-first century materials, such as Taskboard, a variety of plastics, wooden and wooden-plastic composites, foams, foam board and urethane compounds.
A number of companies produce ready-made pieces for structural components (e.g. girders, beams), siding, furniture, figures (people), vehicles, trees, bushes and other features which are found in the models. Features such as vehicles, people figurines, trees, street lights and other are called "scenery elements" and serve not only to beautify the model, but also to help the observer to obtain a correct feel of scale and proportions represented by the model. Increasingly, rapid prototypingand solid freeform fabrication ('3D printing') are used to automatically construct models straight from CAD plans
The challenge with using these tools lies in the CAD file format. The majority of 3D printers accept the stereolithography (.STL for short) file format, which is basically a mesh that wraps around the object in 3-dimensions. It helps to visualize this as a bag of oranges wrapped in a mesh bag. If there is a "tear" in the bag, the oranges will spill out. This is similar to what happens when an STL file is not cleanly produced and prematurely sent to a 3D printer. Clean STL files are a major challenge for architecture models produced using this technology.
Other rapid prototyping technology, also CAD based, which become very useful for architectural model making is CNC carving. Large CNC carving plotters are able to carve out of high density foam boards up to 10' x 4' topography for architectural or urban model.